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Resilience Reimagined - 5 Steps To Thrive From Square One: Comfort Adeoje

But her journey has not been without trials and tribulations. Comfort’s talk ‘Resilience Reimagined - 5 Steps To Thrive From Square One’ for TEDxWarwick’s Student Salon ‘Square One’ addresses the importance of honing the life skill of resilience. Having faced different challenges herself, she learned how to start anew from square one and created a five-step strategy towards building resilience, ranging from setting firm goals to leaning on your support system.

China's complicity in the deportation of North Korean defectors

North Korea is known to be one of the most hostile and isolated countries in the world. Since the country was established in 1948, it has been ruled by the Kim regime, which is now in its third generation of power with Kim Jong Un as the current leader. The totalitarian leadership has led the country into extreme poverty and economic hardship and has harshly punished any of those who dare to speak out against or try to escape the regime.

Nordkorea: „Nicht nur auf das Atomwaffenproblem konzentrieren“

Der nordkoreanische Journalist JeongCheol Lee über die dramatische Menschenrechtslage in Nordkorea, die aus seiner Sicht einseitige Berichterstattung und seine Flucht in den Süden. Ein Interview von Lily Meckel

Herr Lee, Sie sind 2006 aus Nordkorea geflohen. Wie verlief die Flucht?

Es gibt zwei Flüsse zwischen Nordkorea und China: den Tumen oder den Yalu. Wenn man Glück hat, kann man sie im Winter zu Fuß überqueren, weil sie zugef

In rare defiance: Anti-covid restriction protests sweep China

In a rare display of open dissent against the Chinese government, people have taken to the streets across the country to protest against China’s failing zero-Covid policy. This policy, a brainchild of Xi Jinping, has led to lockdown after lockdown over the past three years and is deemed to have been the culprit behind a fire in a locked-down apartment complex in Urumqi that killed ten people, sparking nationwide protests.

Top 30 Biotech & Pharmaceutical Companies in the UK

The United Kingdom is a major presence in the high-growth life sciences sector. Biotech companies and pharmaceutical companies, specifically, have become increasingly relevant in developing treatments during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine among the most notable. And with the introduction of its Life Sciences Vision, the UK Government hopes to further the country’s position as a global leader in the life sciences sector.

The Erosion of Voting Rights in the United States – A Historical Review of the Voting Rights Act

The Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 is one of the most significant pieces of legislation in civil rights history and established equal voting rights, thereby banning racial discrimination in the voting process in the United States. In the last few years this act has come under attack. A 2013 Supreme Court ruling struck down sections of the legislation, making it harder to vote in some parts of the country.

UK Media: Who Owns Who?

Media ownership is increasingly becoming concentrated in the hands of few, which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. A report by the Media Reform Coalition found that in 2021 90% of national newspapers in the UK were owned by only three companies. So, what does media ownership in the UK look like? What impact does this have on media pluralism and public opinion? Here’s a summary of who owns who, and what this means for the British media landscape.

Women's March: Attacks on Abortion Rights are an Attack on Human Rights

On September 1st, the state of Texas enacted a law titled SB8, also known as the ‘Heartbeat Act’, which bans abortions that are undertaken after six weeks. This law follows other attempted bans in Republican-led states, such as Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, and Mississippi. SB8 is one of the most restrictive abortion laws that has been able to take effect in the United States, and is one of many attacks on abortion rights in recent years.

Relocation or Elevation: How Pacific Islanders are Dealing with the Climate Crisis

The Pacific Islands are home to extraordinary natural landscapes and some of the most diverse surviving Indigenous communities in the world. The Pacific Islanders, their cultures and traditions, as well as the coral reefs, the marine life, and rare species of flora and fauna that make up the immensely biodiverse landscape of the Pacific Islands, are under existential threat by climate change. They have been at the forefront of the impacts of climate change, and according to this year’s IPCC report, they are at risk of extinction within a century if the climate crisis is not acted upon immediately.

Left vs Right Wing News: A Guide

In conversation about politics and current affairs, we often hear the terms ‘left wing’ and ‘right wing’, which are loosely used to describe different political opinions. Whilst no news platforms are entirely unbiased, some fall far left or right on the political spectrum based on the type of news they cover and what their general values are.

So, what is meant by left and right wing news? What do these platforms stand for? And how do you establish whether a news platform is left or right wing?
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels

Is the Equal Rights Amendment on its way to being ratified?

At the start of May 2021, Virginia, Nevada, and Illinois decided to begin legal proceedings to have their ratifications of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) acknowledged. The decades-old amendment reached the threshold for state ratification back in January 2020. But a federal judge ruled against this, as even though the document which state legislatures vote upon lacks a cut-off date for ratification, the original amendment did – meaning their decisions to approve the amendment were too late.

Republicans sticking by Trump: was it worth it?

Senator Ted Cruz, one of President Trump's biggest defenders, received just 3% in a poll of likely 2024 Republican candidates. As Trumpism suffered its defeat in the 2020 US presidential elections after having ravished US politics for the past five years, much of the world sighed a breath of relief: it was finally over. One would have thought that after spreading lies, the COVID-19 pandemic, and especially the Capitol Hill insurrection, Republicans and their supporters would have finally come
